Source code for snsynth.aim.aim

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    from mbi import FactoredInference, Dataset, Domain, GraphicalModel
except ImportError:
    print("Please install mbi with:\n   pip install git+")

import itertools
from snsynth.base import Synthesizer
from mbi import Dataset, FactoredInference, Domain
from snsynth.utils import cdp_rho, exponential_mechanism, gaussian_noise, powerset
from scipy import sparse

prng = np.random

class Identity(sparse.linalg.LinearOperator):
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.shape = (n,n)
        self.dtype = np.float64
    def _matmat(self, X):
        return X
    def __matmul__(self, X):
        return X
    def _transpose(self):
        return self
    def _adjoint(self):
        return self

def downward_closure(Ws):
    ans = set()
    for proj in Ws:
    return list(sorted(ans, key=len))

def hypothetical_model_size(domain, cliques):
    model = GraphicalModel(domain, cliques)
    return model.size * 8 / 2 ** 20

def compile_workload(workload):
    def score(cl):
        return sum(len(set(cl) & set(ax)) for ax in workload)

    return {cl: score(cl) for cl in downward_closure(workload)}

def filter_candidates(candidates, model, size_limit):
    ans = {}
    free_cliques = downward_closure(model.cliques)
    for cl in candidates:
        cond1 = hypothetical_model_size(model.domain, model.cliques + [cl]) <= size_limit
        cond2 = cl in free_cliques
        if cond1 or cond2:
            ans[cl] = candidates[cl]
    return ans

[docs]class AIMSynthesizer(Synthesizer): """AIM: An Adaptive and Iterative Mechanism :param epsilon: privacy budget for the synthesizer :type epsilon: float :param delta: privacy parameter. Should be small, in the range of 1/(n * sqrt(n)) :type delta: float :param verbose: print diagnostic information during processing :type verbose: bool Based on the code available in: """ def __init__(self, epsilon=1., delta=1e-9, max_model_size=80, degree=2, num_marginals=None, max_cells: int = 10000, rounds=None, verbose=False): if isinstance(epsilon, int): epsilon = float(epsilon) self.rounds = rounds self.max_model_size = max_model_size self.max_cells = max_cells = degree self.num_marginals = num_marginals self.verbose = verbose self.epsilon = epsilon = delta self.synthesizer = None self.num_rows = None self.original_column_names = None def fit( self, data, *ignore, transformer=None, categorical_columns=[], ordinal_columns=[], continuous_columns=[], preprocessor_eps=0.0, nullable=False, ): if type(data) is pd.DataFrame: self.original_column_names = data.columns train_data = self._get_train_data( data, style='cube', transformer=transformer, categorical_columns=categorical_columns, ordinal_columns=ordinal_columns, continuous_columns=continuous_columns, nullable=nullable, preprocessor_eps=preprocessor_eps ) if self._transformer is None: raise ValueError("We weren't able to fit a transformer to the data. Please check your data and try again.") cards = self._transformer.cardinality if any(c is None for c in cards): raise ValueError("The transformer appears to have some continuous columns. Please provide only categorical or ordinal.") dimensionality = if self.verbose: print(f"Fitting with {dimensionality} dimensions") print(self._transformer.output_width) colnames = ["col" + str(i) for i in range(self._transformer.output_width)] if len(cards) != len(colnames): raise ValueError("Cardinality and column names must be the same length.") domain = Domain(colnames, cards) self.num_rows = len(data) self.rho = 0 if == 0 else cdp_rho(self.epsilon, data = pd.DataFrame(train_data, columns=colnames) data = Dataset(df=data, domain=domain) workload = self.get_workload( data,, max_cells=self.max_cells, num_marginals=self.num_marginals ) self.AIM(data, workload) def sample(self, samples=None): if samples is None: samples = self.num_rows data = self.synthesizer.synthetic_data(rows=samples) data_iter = [tuple([c for c in t[1:]]) for t in data.df.itertuples()] return self._transformer.inverse_transform(data_iter) @staticmethod def get_workload(data: Dataset, degree: int, max_cells: int, num_marginals: int = None): workload = list(itertools.combinations(data.domain, degree)) workload = [cl for cl in workload if data.domain.size(cl) <= max_cells] if num_marginals is not None: workload = [workload[i] for i in prng.choice(len(workload), num_marginals, replace=False)] # workload = [(cl, 1.0) for cl in workload] return workload def _worst_approximated(self, candidates, answers, model, eps, sigma): errors = {} sensitivity = {} for cl in candidates: wgt = candidates[cl] x = answers[cl] bias = np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) * sigma * model.domain.size(cl) xest = model.project(cl).datavector() errors[cl] = wgt * (np.linalg.norm(x - xest, 1) - bias) sensitivity[cl] = abs(wgt) max_sensitivity = max(sensitivity.values()) # if all weights are 0, could be a problem return exponential_mechanism(errors, eps, max_sensitivity) def AIM(self, data, workload): rounds = self.rounds or 16 * len(data.domain) # workload = [cl for cl, _ in W] candidates = compile_workload(workload) answers = {cl: data.project(cl).datavector() for cl in candidates} oneway = [cl for cl in candidates if len(cl) == 1] sigma = np.sqrt(rounds / (2 * 0.9 * self.rho)) epsilon = np.sqrt(8 * 0.1 * self.rho / rounds) measurements = [] print('Initial Sigma', sigma) rho_used = len(oneway) * 0.5 / sigma ** 2 for cl in oneway: x = data.project(cl).datavector() y = x + gaussian_noise(sigma, x.size) I = Identity(y.size) measurements.append((I, y, sigma, cl)) engine = FactoredInference(data.domain, iters=1000, warm_start=True) model = engine.estimate(measurements) t = 0 terminate = False while not terminate: t += 1 if self.rho - rho_used < 2 * (0.5 / sigma ** 2 + 1.0 / 8 * epsilon ** 2): # Just use up whatever remaining budget there is for one last round remaining = self.rho - rho_used sigma = np.sqrt(1 / (2 * 0.9 * remaining)) epsilon = np.sqrt(8 * 0.1 * remaining) terminate = True rho_used += 1.0 / 8 * epsilon ** 2 + 0.5 / sigma ** 2 size_limit = self.max_model_size * rho_used / self.rho small_candidates = filter_candidates(candidates, model, size_limit) cl = self._worst_approximated(small_candidates, answers, model, epsilon, sigma) n = data.domain.size(cl) Q = Identity(n) x = data.project(cl).datavector() y = x + gaussian_noise(sigma, n) measurements.append((Q, y, sigma, cl)) z = model.project(cl).datavector() model = engine.estimate(measurements) w = model.project(cl).datavector() if self.verbose: print('Selected', cl, 'Size', n, 'Budget Used', rho_used / self.rho) if np.linalg.norm(w - z, 1) <= sigma * np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) * n: if self.verbose: print('(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Reducing sigma', sigma / 2) sigma /= 2 epsilon *= 2 engine.iters = 2500 model = engine.estimate(measurements) if self.verbose: print("Estimating marginals") self.synthesizer = model def get_errors(self, data: Dataset, workload): errors = [] for proj, wgt in workload: X = data.project(proj).datavector() Y = self.synthesizer.project(proj).datavector() e = 0.5 * wgt * np.linalg.norm(X / X.sum() - Y / Y.sum(), 1) errors.append(e) print('Average Error: ', np.mean(errors)) return errors